Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

REBT is a psychotherapeutic therapy designed to help people with problems concerning people’s irrational or unhealthy emotive thoughts and mental health. With the help of a licensed mental health professional, a person’s maladaptive conduct, psychological distress, or unhealthy emotions are alleviated through rational emotive behavior therapy. Let’s discuss this rational emotive behavior therapy REBT more.

A man undergoing one of his rationale emotive behavior therapy sessions
Source: pexels.com

What is rational emotive behavior therapy, and how does the treatment work?

Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is a cognitive-behavioral approach that Albert Ellis first introduced in the 1950s that emphasizes the role of our self-defeating thoughts in determining how we feel and behave, reducing unhealthy beliefs or disputing illogical beliefs, activating event memory, and experiencing mental health issues (such as unhealthy eating, feeling depressed, changing behavior, and more) in a transformative way.

Professional medical advice, modern psychological research, and peer-reviewed studies claim that the core premise of conditions rational emotive behavior therapy is that it is not events or circumstances themselves that upset us, but rather our beliefs about those events. If we can learn to decrease unhealthy beliefs, we can reduce our emotional and behavioral reactions to the activating event.

How beneficial rational emotive behavior therapy is? It has been shown effective in treating a range of mental illness issues, including REBT for anxiety, depression, guilt, anger, and substance abuse. Research suggests that there are a number of factors affecting one’s mental health. So, it is normal to blame external events.

Emotional distress, common unhealthy beliefs, addictive behaviors, negative feelings, and mental health conditions that are caused by illogical and dysfunctional thinking patterns are among the many focused programs a few therapists dealing with. It is known for its coping techniques that center on the unconditional self-acceptance of these unhealthy thought patterns and demeanor problems.

“In cognitive behavior therapy, we pay attention to how underlying beliefs, negative feelings, and behavioral responses negatively affect emotions. This means our emotions do not just appear in response to a situation. Rather, emotions are the result of how we think and how we act.” -Sarah Rumpf, MA, LPCC

REBT For Negative Emotions

Rational emotive behavioral therapy is conducted with the help of a trained REBT therapist with various qualifications from college to post-graduate degrees. The role of this expert is to induce rational thinking, positive core beliefs, and coping techniques in the individual after the mental health treatment.

If you seek treatment, rational emotive behavior therapy teaches that it is not our life circumstances that cause our distress, but rather our rigid expectations and long-held beliefs about those circumstances. Rational emotive behavior therapy is an action-oriented approach that trains us how to challenge and change our four core irrational beliefs, overwhelming feelings, and negative reaction.

According to local therapists, REBT is concluded when the individual begins reducing symptoms of distress caused by job-related stress but may be continued in a group REBT to help maintain progress. REBT techniques include homework assignments, role-playing, and journaling. The core concept of REBT is mental reconditioning.

A woman talking to a mental health professional
Source: pexels.com

Not everyone can be an REBT counselor. Specialized training, knowledge of REBT theory, and certified examinations for REBT practitioners will determine before one becomes eligible for the said job. Also, the expert must first undergo some phases. These phases will equip and put the individual in a ready state before he gets into the real world of REBT.

Requirements On How To Become An REBT Expert

Before One Becomes A Certified Therapy Expert, One Must:

  • Have a degree related to REBT. The internship certificate will do if the person has a Doctorate in Psychology.
  • Must have completed training in psychotherapy and counseling or have an internship in an institution that has to do with clinical psychology and mental health counseling practice.
  • Membership in an associated professional organization is a must.

“Experience and credentials are important, but it’s usually the personality of the REBT therapist and the therapeutic rapport that develops between teen and therapist that is the most important factor of all.” –Kathryn Rudlin, LCSW

Specific Training Required For Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

If you are a graduate of a related degree, or if the person has completed an internship program, it will lead an aspiring REBT specialist to a pre-doctorate level.

After that, they can apply for a clinical fellowship. At this clinical fellowship level, an individual will undergo specialized training in their chosen career. Clinical fellowship usually lasts for a maximum of two years.

Such training will then lead to earning certification for the practice of the REBT profession.

Work Settings For Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Once the individual has obtained the REBT professional eligibility, he can now practice the said program. He can have a private clinic, or connect with a mental health institution. An REBT therapist can also belong to a group that specializes in the profession or become a supervisor in a training institute. Despite the differences in work settings, the REBT professional focuses and aims to be of service to people who are depressed, stressed out, anxious, and have other mental health disorders.

What Benefits Can You Get?

Yes, but how? REBT utilizes casual conversation to help patients recondition passive processes and different behaviors that are harmful to their mental health. It has been proven effective in improving the athletic performance of perfectly competent sports figures.

counseling session with an expert
Source: pexels.com

More Solution Focused Compared To Others

The therapist has a very different role compared to that of the traditional psychotherapy therapist. REBT is more solution-focused compared to the others, and its time span is rationally shorter regarding treatment. The program’s primary objectives and core principles are to help people resolve their overall mental health and well-being by way of positive thinking to change their unhealthy beliefs, emotional responses, and psychological distress.

These therapists help people in analyzing situations and sort out dysfunctional thinking patterns that can lead to self-destruction. At first, such a task can be difficult despite all the training. But with the guidance of colleagues and fellow therapists, one can sort out these issues and overcome therapeutic hurdles. Eventually, the newbie therapist can adjust to the nature of the job and would appreciate his or her effort compared to the previous first session.

“A good therapist should be open and willing to understand your concerns. If your counselor doesn’t take your concerns seriously or is unwilling to accept feedback, then it’s probably in your best interest to consult with another therapist about it.” Noah Rubinstein, LMFT, LMHC said.

Becoming a therapist may be hard, but it can guarantee the fulfillment of helping others in letting go of their hardships. It can be a therapeutic process to treat psychological problems.

Assisting them to surpass their “mind” problems, especially when the issue has to do with the demeanor of the person, can be rationally gratifying.

Salud rational emotive therapists!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does REBT treat?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a therapeutic approach that can effectively treat a wide range of emotional and psychological issues. Some of the common conditions and concerns that REBT can address include anxiety disorders, depression, stress management, anger issues, self-esteem and self-confidence, substance abuse, relationship problems, specific phobias, eating disorders, procrastination, grief and loss, performance anxiety, and many other mental and emotional challenges.

What are the basic principles of rational emotive behavior therapy?

REBT, or Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, operates on core principles. It uses the ABC model to link an activating event, irrational beliefs, behaviors, and emotional consequences. REBT identifies and challenges irrational beliefs, aiming for emotional and behavioral change. It promotes acceptance, blends empirical and philosophical elements, and often includes homework assignments for practical application.

How is REBT different from cognitive therapy?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and cognitive therapy are both forms of cognitive behavioral therapy CBT. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy emphasizes challenging irrational beliefs and philosophical principles like self-acceptance, often with a direct approach. In contrast, cognitive therapy primarily targets automatic negative thoughts collaboratively, with less emphasis on philosophy. Both are effective in addressing psychological issues, and the choice depends on preferences and goals, making them integral to the broader field of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

How is REBT applied to counseling?

In counseling, REBT is a structured process where the therapist helps the client identify and challenge irrational beliefs while promoting rational beliefs. This leads to improved emotional well-being and enhanced coping skills.

What is an example of rational emotive treatment?
What is the ABC model of REBT?
Which type of treatment is most similar to REBT?
Which method is often employed in REBT?
How many sessions does REBT take?
How long does it take for REBT to work?
How is REBT different from CBT?
Why is REBT better than other therapies?
What are the key concepts of REBT?
Why is REBT good for depression?
Who would benefit from REBT?