Teletherapy During COVID-19 Pandemic


The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in preventive measures to limit the transmission of the disease. In response to this, there has been a shift to the delivery of healthcare around the world. Public health experts are taking steps to provide service remotely to avoid further risks of the virus spreading.

For people who undergo therapy and counseling, there is a growing shift to teletherapy. Through these remote sessions, patients can still receive treatment at the comforts of their home. It is a huge transition in your therapy experience, but this adjustment can be a great help in the unforeseeable future.

As we face an uncertain future with the COVID-19 pandemic, this can be a start of a worthwhile change.

What Is Teletherapy?


“While this can certainly vary depending on geographical location and the diversity of clients seen by a therapist, teletherapy ensures maximal privacy every time,” explains Goali Saedi Bocci, Ph.D. In teletherapy, patients and therapists utilize digital platforms where they are comfortable with. It can be through the format of audio or live video conferencing via Skype or Zoom.

Teletherapy is an effective method, especially for people who are not comfortable talking to their provider face-to-face. It can also reduce the anxiety of needing to go out at this time. Furthermore, patients can vent their worries to their provider, who can then help them develop effective coping tools.

Who Is It For?

Teletherapy offers a beneficial way to receive therapy for a range of people with different circumstances. Depending on your preference, you can undergo one-on-one sessions or join group therapy sessions. This method is helpful for mental health therapy and counseling, as well as speech and occupational therapy.

How Does Online Therapy Work?

Your provider will set a session schedule based on the suitable time that you both agreed on. Patients and health professionals work hand-in-hand in deciding which secure online platform to use. You can interact with each other in the virtual environment in various ways. As with face-to-face therapy, your provider can integrate traditional techniques to execute each session.

Tips For A Successful Transition To Teletherapy


It can be challenging to know where to start with this shift. Thus, it can take some time before you get used to this mode of healthcare. Here are  some tips that can ease your transition and make the most out of teletherapy:

  • Reserve Space And Time For Sessions

Although this is a flexible mode of therapy, distractions can take away the essence of the session. As much as you can, set space and time to engage with the process fully. It is crucial to have a soothing environment where you can feel safe and comfortable.

  • Find The Mode Of Therapy That Works For You

Find a platform that will work for you. You can combine messaging, audio, video, or live conference depending on your preference and circumstances. Depending on what you and your therapy agreed on, you can explore a combination that works for you. Get creative with how you’ll utilize these available tools to make each session engaging.

  • Embrace The Awkwardness

Be open to feeling discomfort and awkwardness; don’t take this as a discouragement. It is normal not to feel in-synced with your provider right away. The process can be awkward at first, especially if you’re unfamiliar with communicating virtually. Also, remember that it is a different experience for different people as you use different modes and platforms.

  • Name Your Needs

Do not invalidate your response to the situations that are happening around you. For many of us, at this period, we are facing a struggle with meeting our needs physically, emotionally, and mentally. It can lead to a spiral of fearfulness and loneliness. Thus, it is essential to be extra patient on how we are taking care of ourselves at this time.

Remember, your feelings are valid, and it’s never wrong to ask for help from your therapist in organizing your thoughts. 

  • Be Open To Your Therapist

Be open to your provider about your suggestion in improving the transition. Let them know what you find a challenge and difficulty in doing. Giving them feedback is essential for both of you to figure out what doesn’t work and what needs working on. Keep your communication open and transparent.

Using Teletherapy As A Coping Tool

Virtual therapy can be a powerful tool to alleviate stress and worries in this time of isolation. As we are facing anxiety that is stronger than ever, now is the time to focus on ourselves. Don’t be afraid to try out methods that are beneficial to your mental and emotional health. If you choose to undergo teletherapy, be willing to meet your provider halfway to make it work.

Can Anxiety Be A Good Thing?

In the last 2019 memorial day event, I realized that the thing that ruins my daily mood is anxiety. I understand that it is a mental illness that requires a lot of patience and perseverance for someone to overcome. But lately, I noticed that my anxiety gave me an emotional and mental strength I never knew I had. It is why I came to the question if anxiety can be a good thing.


Anxiety is the feeling of nervousness and worries from a forthcoming event or an uncertain outcome. There are many types of it, ranging from a social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety, agoraphobia, selective mutism, PTSD, and a lot more. But despite that, there are some levels of anxiety that can help us in away. Anxiety can be motivating in some circumstances. It is sometimes what makes us get out of bed and think about our duties for the whole day. It can pump some of our adrenalin whenever there’s an immediate thing we have to do.

In some cases, it helps us manage our decisions better because we can think of things in both wrong and useful ways. Not only it stimulates the brain, but anxiety also keeps us safe. That is because the more anxious we get, the more we become aware of what is going on with our surroundings. That is why we pay attention to noise, people’s voices, and body language.


In general, though anxiety is harmful and can cause devastation, small doses of it can help. Yes, it can be uncomfortable in some states because of the stress response. But using it to stimulate the fight-flight-freeze can activate the anterior insula. It is the brain’s function that predicts harm and makes you learn to avoid it. Thus, giving you enough time to think about your situations through.

Ways To Deal With Anxiety Due To Job Uncertainty

The entire world is battling with the COVID-19 pandemic. While we stay at home and avoid the virus, we have our battle with our thoughts. It is normal to spend long hours of your quarantine thinking about how the pandemic made our lives even more uncertain. Unfortunately, it is the things that we do not know that scare us the most.

The implementation of social distancing, quarantines, and lockdowns have introduced a new normal in society. With the forced closure of different industries, economists and financial experts warn of its devastating effects on the economy. Thus, unemployment rates have started to increase, resulting in job uncertainty.

Do we still have a job to return to? Am I the one to be laid off next? When can I reopen my business? These questions will continue to bother our minds. Unfortunately, we do not know when the pandemic will end. Until then, we have to strive and live in the new normal.

The last thing we need during this time is more reasons to be anxious. Anxiety will not only affect your state of mind and attitude but may also result in the weakening of the immune system. To avoid this, psychologists suggest several methods on how to prevent anxiety caused by job uncertainty.

“By adding even a small element of certainty in the face of overwhelming uncertainty, you can re-establish a connection with the present moment, ground yourself, and maintain a good sense of self-control and confidence,” says Natalie C. Dattilo, Ph.D.

To help you with dealing with anxiety due to job uncertainty, here are some suggestions on how you can adequately address these negative thoughts:

Be Informed


Uncertainty is brought about by things we do not know. Thus, we can avoid this by gathering information from reputable news outlets. Asking your employer questions about your company status and your job may also help in dealing with your situation. Who knows, you might not need to be worried about your job at all.

Moreover, being equipped with the right information will also result in better preparation. Knowing what is ahead of you will help you address situations in the best possible way you can. Do not be afraid to ask questions.

Accept Uncertainty And Shift Your Attention

Uncertainties have always been present. Accepting ambiguity is not turning a blind eye to reality; it is acknowledging its existence and getting ahead by planning. While you have to work from home, make sure to finish your tasks in the best quality. Productivity will also show that you are a competent and an asset to the company, and it will reaffirm your value to your company.

The pandemic also gives us more time to do the things we have always wanted. Instead of overthinking about the uncertainties, use your energy in re-exploring your hobbies. Shifting your attention to other activities will not only remove your thoughts away from the pandemic but also from work burn-out.


Take Control

Make Plan B, C, and D. If you foresee your company laying off people or you want to have extra income during this time, you may think of other sources of income. Because of the new normal, some opportunities are available to explore. Instead of spending your time dealing with ambiguity, be creative in thinking of ways to make money out of your old hobby or a prized recipe.

Remember, the world is not black and white. Even if there is a possibility of losing your job, many doors will open for you as long as you are ready to explore them. Taking control also applies to how you deal with your emotions and thoughts. Choose to see the situation or problem as an opportunity for you to grow and develop.


Uncertainty will always be present in our lives. There is only so much we could control. The best way to deal with anxiety is by having the right and healthy mindset. Instead of worrying about what you do not know, pour your energy into things you can control. The world, even during these times, is full of opportunities for you.

Remember that you are not alone in this journey. You have your friends and family who are present to listen and support you. You may not have the cure to the virus, but you are definitely in control of your thoughts and actions.

The Best Way To Handle Anger


The 2017 emotion conference emphasizes on how people should handle their anger. Though it is not that simple, there are still ways to do that. According to the speakers of the conference, managing anger is just a matter of emotional and mental health development. So how can individuals observe that?

Take Time To Think Before You Speak – One thing that people should focus on first is their thoughts. Uncontrolled anger can do a lot of damage, primarily when expressed in an outburst. So before the situation escalates into a conflict, one must take his time to collect all his thoughts before saying something.

Be Calm Before Expressing Anything – Well, frustration is an emotion that validates anger. Sometimes, expressing it can help in emotional growth. But experts suggest that when delivered incorrectly, it can move into a confrontational scenario. So to avoid that, one must stay calm. That way, he can express his concerns without the impression of hurting or trying to control others.

Pause For A While – There is no immediate resolution in controlling anger than a quick pause. Yes, not thinking or saying anything is the best way to kill the momentum of anger. It is not like a person who ignores the situation, though. It is more about taking a step back to realize the situation so one can handle it without getting angry or irritated.

Release Tension With Humor – Well, this one is not easy. When an individual is angry, he might not be able to think about good and funny stuff. However, when there is a chance to hop it in, it can defuse the tension.


Seek Professional Help – Sometimes, anger issues are more complicated than you think. If you are having trouble controlling it, and you find yourself unable to shut it off, you might want to consider asking for professional advice.


Is Marriage Counseling Important Before Filing For Divorce?

Many changes could happen in a marriage that will make you want to get a divorce. Deciding to go on separate ways is a challenging process, especially if you have been married for a long time already. Because of this, it is essential to explore all the available options first before finally leaving your spouse. At this point, it is significant to highlight the truth that divorce is not always the answer to marital woes. One of the critical steps that must be taken before the separation of a couple is to go through marriage counseling.




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Child Psychiatrist: How To Find One




Nowadays, one can easily notice an increase in the demands for the services of a psychiatrist. Many individuals, especially parents, are starting to employ the services of this health professional. For these people, the assistance and help of the said medical doctor have played an integral part in their battles against mental illness. With the right treatment plan from a psychiatrist, the patient can improve his mental health and even recover from any related illness.

“A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in mental health issues and has specific training in medication for depression.” – Dr. Chantal Gagnon PhD LMHC

There are several areas of specialization for every psychiatrist in the United States. As much as possible, it is highly recommended to look for a health professional that is labeled as an expert in a particular field. For example, if the patient involved is still in his tender years, then a child psychiatrist must handle his case. Here are some of the tips and tricks that you must keep in mind to find the perfect child psychiatrist for your son or daughter:




  1. Read The Papers

The achievements of the top psychiatrists in the country are usually published in several journals, magazines or books. Be sure to read these materials so that you could find the best psychiatrist in town. However, take note that the more famous a child psychiatrist is, the more expensive his fees become. Do not worry because the cost of seeking professional help for your child will be worth it in the end. According to Kathryn Rudlin, LCSW “Experience and credentials are important, but it’s usually the personality of a therapist and the therapeutic rapport that develops between teen and therapist that is the most important factor of all.”


  1. Ask For Recommendations

One of the challenges of a patient-doctor relationship is the development of trust and confidence. Some individuals find it difficult to believe the diagnosis and treatment plans of a particular doctor. If you are one of them, then do not worry because what you are feeling is only typical. Sometimes, it is difficult to entrust the case of your kid’s mental health to a doctor. To lessen this problem, try to ask around for referrals from friends, family members or workmates. This way, you would be able to decrease the fears that you have in mind.


  1. Check The Website First

When it comes to searching for a child doctor, another smart idea is to look at the available website of the psychiatrist first. As much as possible, do not rush into completing the searching process. Try to research the qualifications, years of practice, training attended and other essential information about the doctor. With the recent developments in the field of technology, it is now easy to do this. All that needs to be done is to go online and look for the website of the psychiatrist or the clinic or hospital where he works.




Once you have chosen a child psychiatrist for the child, the next step to take is to set an appointment. The first meeting is the consultation process wherein the doctor will examine your kid’s condition. Be prepared to answer some questions. Make it a top priority to provide truthful answers so that there will be no errors in the diagnosis of your child’s mental condition. After that, the doctor will study the available data before giving out his findings and the proposed treatment plan. Remember, “Early intervention and treatment can make a difference in your child’s lives and future.” Andrea Vargas LMHC said.


Top 4 Questions To Ask Before Choosing Online Therapy

With the availability of the latest innovations, everything has become within reach for many people. For example, anyone can already get access to an online therapist by simply visiting a website or using a phone application. For this to work, all that is required is for both the patient and therapist to find a stable Internet connection. Both of them can already talk and discuss through the online medium.  


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